Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Time for all the dumbness to stop!

Time for all the dumbness to stop!

For months we have listen to the Owners and Players tell us how they wanted to get a deal done, I hope by now you have figure out, that was never going to happen. The players were never going to ok giving back a billion dollars to the Owners-no matter how far the books were open up to them. The Owners who started this lock-out process three years ago with the TV deal they signed had one thing in mind, get out from under a bad deal they'ed signed with the Player.

Both sides needed us to believe that Football not Money were the main talking points of the CBA negotiations. How growing the Game was at the top of their list, Player's health, taking care of the Players who came before them, but at the end of the day they could not get pass the Money!!I I'd like to believe something other than Money has been talked about, I don't think so!!!

I don't want to be misunderstood, I know professional football has become big business. The CBA give both; Owners and Players a way to protect their interest, but this dumbness has tainted the game. Fans feel they need to take sides in a fight over how to split a billion dollars. There is no side to take in this fight, they're both wrong for lying to Fans about their true motive for walking away from the negotiating table ( Money! ) nothing more, nothing less, ( just the Money! )

As Fans we need to step away from the dumbness of this fight, greedy people trying to sell you on the idea that they're looking out for the future of the game ( not their own pocket books). If the Game really came first in these talks they would have iron out the so called easy talking points ( rookie salary Capp , 18 game season, past and present Players Heath care, free agency. All of these thing could have been laid in stone ( this could have help bridge the gap between the two sides about the billion dollars). The Money had to come first.

There are times when you can see a clear cut bad guy in negotiations, this is not one of them. The Owners and Players knew for months this lockout was going to be a reality. They put a game plan in motion on how to handle the lockout ( war chest of TV Money for the Owners, a so call decertification as a way for Players to sue as an individual to stop the lockout ) no way to take a side here,They both had bad intentions from the beginning. I'm not saying both sides don't want to see an end to the lockout, what I am saying,until both side come clean on why the lockout came to be ( Money ) we won't see an end to this dumbness for awhile.

Sent from my iPad

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