Monday, April 11, 2011

Top Ten list of Things You Might Do If There's No Football

Top Ten list of Things You Might Do If There's No Football
This Season?

Hey football fans what ten things would you do if there's no
NFL football this season?

Give me your list.

#1, Spend more time with family( I have a family? )

Brought to by: AJ Jones from Cambridge
"Let's Talk Football" Visit-


  1. Spend more time studying the word of God.

  2. We spend more time with our family when there IS NFL Football. So I guess we will sit around and bitch about NO Football!

  3. i dont have to worry about if i need to dress in all my fan gear everyweekend or not! sometime itseems like a must be a mortal sin not to have something on that shows your loyalty to the team you are suppose to back every weekend! hey! maybe all of us can actually focus on something new to do on sundays , what did everyone do before football??? i for one will save a whole lot of money and time!! i might even take that dream vacation this fall instead of watching a bunch of grown men chase around a football for thousands of dollars! there are so many suffering ( millions) in this world today i really dont think any of us will have trouble finding something more productive to do on sundays anyways.
